Facebook Marketing for Realtors

We’ll build your Facebook Ad campaigns for you and deliver your Leads to you

Buyers who can actually BUY, and Sellers who are ready to SELL.

And if we don’t, you just don’t pay!

That’s how confident we are in what we do. In fact, we are one of the only performance-based agencies in the world that will take the headache of trying to build and automate your sales completely off your hands!

Imagine focusing on your Closings while we unleash a CONSISTENT flood of qualified Leads straight to your door! You don’t have to share low-quality Leads with other Realtors or rely on word-of-mouth to find new Clients with homes that are ready to sell. Your Prospects’ contact data is tailored to the information that matters to YOU, and your new leads have been pre-qualified before you even speak to them!

You have your very own Client-finding, Lead-generating MACHINE. One that tells you all about your prospective Leads, BEFORE you spend time getting to know them. You can even get Leads to make an appointment with you… not the other way around!

And the best bit – if we don’t succeed in reaching our targets we don’t get paid – how’s that for a silver platter?

Please note: because of the performance-based nature of this service, we only take on 4 clients per month and carefully screen our clients to ensure that we can one hundred percent deliver. To find out if we’re a good fit, register your interest below to book a free Strategy Session with our Lead Strategist,  Alli Graham.

**NB – A Setup Fee will apply unless you have a validated funnel in place**

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We help Realtors build their fortunes from Facebook ads.

You know that Facebook ads are the key to automating and growing your business, but frankly you have NO CLUE how to even start to find new clients and sell your listings online.

If you’ve ever tried Facebook Ads before, you’ll understand exactly how much more complicated they are than you thought, and that doing them wrong could end up costing you thousands of dollars.

We let Realtors like you concentrate on what you do best – selling houses – by taking the whole process off your hands. We’ll establish your targeting, put together your ad creative and then monitor and test it all until we crack the results you are after.

Why Performance-Based?

When we took ChilliChalli Social’s services to online entrepreneurs, we realized so many had been left burned (and poorer) by the experience of dealing with marketing agencies. We wanted to take the risk away from hiring an agency and started offering services on a performance basis. It works for us, and it works for our clients.


What’s the Catch? 
THERE ISN’T ONE – we’re so confident in our ability that we want to be able to offer businesses – both big and small (especially those that have been left burnt in the past) an opportunity to leverage FB ads.
However – because of the highly risky nature of this service to us, we do require a validated funnel to be in place.
A setup fee will be required if you do not have this. 

And, to be honest – if what matters to you most is SAVING money, then we’re probably not the best fit for you.

However, if you’re interested in MAKING money… and a lot of it.
Well, then – we can definitely help. 

Who We Can Help

Realtors that want results

Fed up of the constant ups and downs of Real Estate?

  • Tired of sporadic, UNQUALIFIED leads who can’t buy, even though they want to?
  • Tired of talking to Sellers who aren’t actually ready to SELL?
  • Want more control over the kind of leads you get and WHEN you get them?
  • Sick of being a slave to your phone?
  • Sick of losing leads to one of the other Realtors in your Zip Code, who called before you did?
  • Want Sellers to come straight to you?
  • Hate doing Open Houses on the weekends?
  • Want to KNOW who is coming to those Open Houses before they arrive?
  • Fed up of wasting a third of your marketing spend not being able to reach Millennials?
  • What if there was another way – a way that QUALIFIED leads could come to YOU, in a steady stream, whenever you wanted them to?

Wouldn’t that be better?

Please note – if you do not have a sales funnel in place you will be quoted for the set up of this. You also need to be willing to invest in your own ad spend – no tire kickers please!

And yes – of course, you could learn how to do this yourself – but just imagine how much money you’ll lose and time you’ll waste, while you’re trying to get it right.

SO… If you’re ready to take the next step and ready to work with us to make Facebook ads WORK FOR YOU, then schedule a call below.

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