Tarot Card Oracle random card demo

Below is what the user will see when they go to a page using the random card shortcode. It will pick any of the Cards in a Reading. No rhythm or reason. If they refresh the page a new Card will be display, or will it?


It its upright position, Temperance represents the duality of life. It also represents balance, moderation in all things and self-control.

In this present position of the reading, it indicates that in order to achieve your goals, you need to practise moderation in all things. If there’s something in your life that is making you unhappy, bear in mind that all things change, and so will this. You will regain balance in your life once again.

This card is associated with Fire and Sagittarius in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with Temperance are:

  • Blending
  • Purity
  • Art
  • Abstinence
  • Harmony
  • Calm
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