Tarot Card Oracle Videos

Tarot Card Oracle is a powerful plugin for WordPress that allows you to create your own Readings/Spreads. In addition, you can display a daily or random card. These are done using shortcodes so can be added to pages or posts.

As Tarot Card Oracle is so powerful and flexible it can be a bit confusing at first. To help understand how to use and create Readings we have created some tutorial videos.

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    User Experience Demo

    This a quick video to show what your user will see in a 5 position reading. The user enters a question then selects 5 cards and presses submit. The user is then taken to their reading.

    Tarot Card Oracle Explainer Video

    This video shows you how Readings, Positions, Cards, and Descriptions are related in the Tarot Card Oracle plugin.

    Admin Tutorials

    How to Install the Tarot Card Oracle WordPress plugin.

    Welcome to this Tarot Card Oracle tutorial. The first thing I'm going to show you how to do is to actually add plugin.

    So first of all, you come to the dashboard of your WordPress website and you would click on plugins. And then what you do is you click on add new. Next, you would come into the search and you would type in Tarot Card Oracle, which is the name of the plugin. And you click on Install now. And then on activate. Once you do, you will see that the Tarot Card Oracle appears in the sidebar here.

    Setup and Overview, Validation and Shortcodes.

    In this video, I'm going to give you a short overview of the dashboard of Tarot Card Oracle, the first one I'm going to show you is the general dashboard of the freemium version.

    As you can see, we've got various options here. One of the options that we can offer you, even in the freemium version, is the option to send to allow your users to send their reading to an email address. In order to do that, you would enable this button here, then go in and add your from email address, from email name the text to display in the email form. So this defaults to email this reading to and then the text to display after the user submits the form.

    Again, this is defaulted, but you can change it here. And finally, in the freemium version, if you could find your way to turn this on for us, we'd be very, very grateful as what this does is it lets other people know what you're using to create your readings.

    Now, in the premium version, we can give you some more options. And this is the same page as you had before, but you have two additional tabs as well. The first one is the email settings. Now, in the premium version, one of the things that we can help you do is to build your list. This is great. If you want to use the Tarot Card Oracle as a lead magnet. So in order to do this, you would allow users to subscribe if they wanted to when they were emailing the reading, and you would put your email consent text in here.

    The other thing that we can offer you is a daily card email option. So one of the options of the shortcode is that you can create a one card daily reading. And what the daily reading does is it updates every single day. Now it will display on the website, but if you enable this and select the reading. And then you can actually send it out via MailChimp to your particular audience on MailChimp so you can add text before and after the card here.

    And here is where we link to MailChimp, so you currently it's only MailChimp, but we are actually adding email providers all the time and you would add your API key here. And then once you'd saved your API key, you would come in here and select the audience that you would want to save your subscribers to. And then the audience you'd want to send your daily card emails to and then save changes. Before you get started on adding readings, positions and cards, now you'll see that I have a couple here already.

    One of the things that is very important to make sure this works seamlessly is to ensure that your data is validated.

    Now, you can do this broadly in the freemium version by looking at your reading. So, for example, we have a reading here with three positions, 22 cards. So, for example, three positions for 22 cards would equal 66 descriptions. However, there is an easier way, and if you upgrade, we can offer you a done for you validation service on the fly.

    Now, as you can see here, we actually have one of our readings has one issue. So it says Celtic Cross has no associate positions, add positions and it will take you straight to the card positions. So if, for example, you didn't have the right cards or you didn't have descriptions, it would automatically go through and tell you exactly where the issues were and allow you to be taken directly there. And then finally, as part of this set up phase, I want to show you the different shortcodes that we can offer you.

    So if you have a one card reading, for example, we can offer you three different shortcodes. The Reading shortcode and the daily shortcode and the random shortcode actually do three different things. Reading shortcode is one that you would normally use for a larger reading with more positions. However, if you have a one card reading, you can use it in two different ways. The first way you can use it is to embed a daily card. shortcode, which is actually different from this one is a three different shortcode.

    And what the daily card will do is if you embed this shortcode on a page, if someone visits that page on a daily basis, the system will show them a new card each day. If you go to use a daily card shortcode, we suggest that you load up your cards in a random order. The reason we suggest this is what the daily card shortcode does is it starts with a card that you uploaded first and then it goes through them sequentially until it gets to the card you upload it last and then it starts again at the beginning.

    So if you want your daily cards to be random, then you're going to need to load them in a random basis.

    The next option we can give you is the random card shortcode.

    And what we can do with this is if you have a page where you have a random card shortcode embedded, each time the submit button is clicked or each time the page is refreshed, this will actually show the user a random card each time. You can choose to display the question input box or you can choose not to. And you can use this to move your users around the website or give them messages or a call to action, or you can link them to external websites as well.

    And then finally, it's very important to remember, if you are using the daily card or the random card, the description that will display is the one that is on the card itself. So you wouldn't create a description for a random card reading or a daily card reading those default to the information that is on the card itself.

    How to create a Reading or Spread.

    In this video, I'm going to show you how to add a card reading or spread. So to add a new card reading would come into the card Oracle menu here, click on readings and then add new card reading. First thing we do would be to add a title of the spread and then we go through these various options here, the first one is actually a premium option. So you don't get this in the freemium version. And what this allows you to do is if you enable it, it will allow you to use the same description over multiple positions across readings.

    The next thing we can do is to choose whether we're going to display a question input box or not. So enabling this will allow the users to ask a question which allows it's much more personal and intention setting is much easier for them.

    You can set some text with a question input box here. If you are going to allow your users to email the readings to themselves, don't use any apostrophes in this text here. Next thing we do is to add any text we wanted to that would be displayed on the daily or random card. This is a normal WordPress box and you can add links here. It's great for upselling or calls to action or just moving people around the Website.

    And then finally, what we do here is to come and add Card back image.

    How to create a Position.

    The next thing we're going to do is to add some positions to this reading, so we click on the positions option in the menu and we add a new card position. This would be along the lines of self, future, past, whatever position it's called in the actual reading, so you'll see that we have the reading that we have already created here. So this is where we connect the positions to the specific readings. And if we're going to have more than one position in a reading, then we will also add a card order.

    Publish that. I'm going to add to show you how so I'm going to link the same reading, but now I'm going to increase the court order to two. If we go back into the dashboard now, we can see that for this Celtic cross reading, we have two positions.

    How to Add a Card.

    The next thing I'm going to show you how to do is to add a card to this reading. So going into the card Oracle menu, we click on cards. And then we click on Add New Card. First thing we do is to add the name of the card, so, for example, the Empress. And then here we can add the description of the card, this is the generic description of the card and not the position, relative description. And this is going to be displayed on the daily card and on the random card only.

    We can add images here. We can add text, we can add links. This is just a standard WordPress box.

    The next thing we would do is to associate this card with the reading we've created. If you have more than one reading, they will display here and you can select which reading you're going to associate the card with and then you would come and add a card image. And then publish. If we go back to the Card Oracle dashboard now. We can see that for this reading, we have two positions and one card.

    Next up, I will show you how to add descriptions for a specific card in a specific position.

    How to Add a Description.

    Now I'm going to show you how to add a description for a specific card in a specific position. We come the card Oracle menu, you click on descriptions and add new card description. So, this will display and what I find useful is to explain exactly what it is. So, for example, I'm now going to create the description of the Empress card when it is in the past position.

    This is a normal WordPress box, you can add images, you can add links, and it's just as simple as putting all of the information in here. What you're doing is you are creating a description that is very it is completely relevant to this card in the position that you wanted to appear in. You can create a description for the card in reverse here. And then what you do is you would associate this description with the card and the position that it's going to display in.

    And then publish. If we go back to the dashboard now, you see that we have two positions, one card and one description.

    Next up, I will show you how to load the demo data.

    How to Load the Demo Data.

    I'm going to show you how to load the demo data in this video, so come in to the card Oracle menu and click on demo data. We can insert the data here. Now, if you are using the freemium version, you're only able to have one reading live at once. So what we have to do, first of all, is we'd have to go back and we'd have to delete the reading, the positions and the card that we've got. If you are using the premium version, you can have as many readings as you want.

    You can have as many positions, as many cards as you want. If you are using the the premium work, the sorry, the freemium version, you're only able to have one reading with up to twenty five cards with up to five positions. And what we have to do is to make sure they are thoroughly deleted, so what we do is delete the position, the reading the cards, and then we go into trash and we would delete them permanently.

    And then finally, we come into the cards. And we would put it in the trash first. And then we go into the trash folder and delete this permanently, and that gives us a completely blank slate into which we can load the demo data. So coming back into the demo data here, it's as simple as insert data. And it will tell you the demo data is installed now, you can go ahead and use the demo data as a reading.

    It is a past present future reading has three positions the 22 major arcana tarot cards, and it has 66 descriptions which are for the 22 cards in the three positions. So 22 times three. So if we then go and have a look at the reading.

    Click on that. It is set with the percentage of cards, appear reversed, 20 percent, you can modify this, you can enable or disable the question and put box, you can add the text for the question input box remembering not to use apostrophes so it automatically has the back of the card image there. If we then go and have a look at the positions, you'll see that there is a future past and present position certainly on the future one just to show you how it's set up.

    This will appear in order. Three, it's associated with this card reading and we've called it future and then for the cards.

    We've got 22 cards here. So, for example. Look at this one, this is the standard description for the card. It's got the card front already loaded. If you want to use different card images, you can just load them into the back and into your media here. And you can click on this to change.

    The file that will display so, for example, if you wanted to use a flower. Now, I'm not going to save this because I don't want to actually change it, and then if we go and have a look at the descriptions.

    So, again, if we look, we've got a judgment present, past, future as a past, present, future. In the past description, it has language which is related to the past tense. It is got the reverse version here is associated with judgment in the past. Go and have a look in the future. This has a very similar description, but it's in the future tense, same in reverse, and it's this card associated with that position.

    And together they will allow you to display a past, present future reading automatically on the front end.

    How to Display your Reading on your Website.

    Next thing I'm going to show you how to do is to actually create the reading on the front end of your website so you come into the dashboard here and then you click on the reading shortcode.

    And you'd pick up reading shortcode by copying it, and then you go to add a new page or add a new post. I use Elementor, but this is whatever the theme editor you use. And then what I would do is to create the shortcode module I'd add the shortcode in there. I'd published it. As you can see, we now have 22 cards with that box facing to us, so we have to choose three cards for this reading. As we click them, they turn over.

    So we have one card is upright two cards their reversed positions and then click on Submit, which will display the reading itself. And then finally, if I want to email this to myself, I can put my email address in here and click on send.

    How to Upgrade to Premium and get as MANY Readings and Spreads as you want.

    In this video, I'm going to show you how to upgrade from the freemium version of Tarot Card Oracle to the premium version of Tarot Card Oracle.

    If you look in the Card Oracle menu, there was an upgrade button. There's also one other plug in itself. And this is a page that is actually hosted on Freemius. Who are the people who deal with this for us. For the free version, you get one reading up to five positions and up to 25 cards. For the premium version you get unlimited readings, unlimited positions, unlimited cards. You also get priority email. We have various options available to you here.

    You can purchase for a single site are up five sites. If you buy up to five sites and you pay annually, you say 41 percent for a monthly point of view, it cost seven point ninety nine a month for the single site, it cost seventy nine point ninety nine a year. So you get effectively two months free. So if you select the option that you want on the upgrade now button, it will take you to another page on Freemius where you can purchase.

    If you're in the U.K., you will have to pay VAT on this. So once you've entered your credit card number, etc. and paid, then you will receive an email with a link to the new plug in the upgraded plugin and your license key.

    Once you have upgraded, you will receive an email with your license key in it and you'll see that you actually have a new part to your Card Oracle here. First thing you need to do is to download the latest premium version, which is a different plugin, and then to activate it. And then go into plugins. And deactivate Card Oracle, don't cancel subscription temporary deactivation and then to add a new one at the upgraded one, you click on add new and then upload the plugin.

    And then click on Install now. Can activate plug in. Go down to your account. And make sure that you have the right license key in there. Update the license. You should get a confirmation that the new version has been successfully activated, at which point you will be able to add new card readings, et cetera.

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