According to the Charlotte Regional Realtor Association, there are 9,500 Realtors in the area and nearly 2,700 of them are already advertising on So, how are you going to stand out, while you sell homes in Charlotte?

A new world of opportunity awaits – are you ready?
Advertising on Facebook is easy. Advertising on Facebook and getting meaningful results is not. Which is why, like your clients, YOU understand the value of engaging a specialist. Cut through the noise and start getting results now.

You know that you provide the best services around; your clients are happy and you love what you do. Word of mouth is great, but there’s only so many people your clients are going to talk to. Where is your next client coming from?

Find Sellers before anyone else
Imagine finding new Sellers before anyone else does, because you’ve seen the signs and acted on them. Imagine them coming directly to you, out of the blue – it’s all perfectly possible, and we can make it happen for you. Do you want more sales?

Let Buyers qualify themselves automatically
And then imagine your Buyers identifying themselves to you by the very fact that they’ve interacted with your House Advert in a certain way. And imagine being able to tell the ‘Quite interested’ ones from the ‘About to buy’ ones. Would that help?
Selling Houses in Charlotte? According to the Charlotte Regional Realtor Association, there are 9,500 realtors in Charlotte and nearly 2,700 of them are already advertising on
So, as a Realtor in Charlotte, how can you differentiate yourself from everyone else, without worrying about niching down so hard that you miss golden opportunities?
You know that you provide the best services around; your clients are happy and you love what you do. Word of mouth is great, but there’s only so many people your clients are going to talk to.
Spectacular opportunity
Being able to find clients via Facebook Advertising is a spectacular addition to the toolbox of any Realtor. You can find the best buyer-seller relationships available and in a time-critical manner – so that your potential clients don’t start looking elsewhere.
The technology available to the Facebook advertiser is perfect for Real Estate Sales – to the extent that it’s possible to create a mini-site within Facebook that will showcase houses to potential Buyers at the exact same time they are looking for them, and in the locations that they want to purchase, without ever leaving Facebook. Great for the User Experience, and even better for you.
Find potential Sellers before anyone else
Imagine finding your Sellers before anyone else does, because you’ve seen the signs and acted on them. Imagine being able to tell your potential Sellers that you offer services that none of the other local Realtors can provide. More than generic listings in magazines and on websites, you can offer them a mini-site that will bring their home alive – offering videos, slideshows and all-in-one lead-generation. This is all possible with Facebook Advertising.
Let Buyers qualify themselves automatically
And then imagine, rather than having to work to find Buyers, your Buyers identify themselves to you by the very fact that they’ve interacted with your House Advert. You won’t have to sit and wait on your potential clients to take the initiative – you’ll have the power to take it for yourself.
It almost sounds too good to be true – but it’s not magic, it’s technology.
The first part of making this work for you, of course, is to know how to leverage the available tools to your best advantage. The second part is to take advantage of them before anyone else does. This option is brand new and offers the entrepreneurial realtor an opportunity to be a front-runner, to be an innovator.
Here comes the revolution – are you ready?
But… you’re already busy, and while you know (deep down) that the potential of Facebook Advertising could revolutionise your business, you understand that like anything else, if you want to get results, you have to put the work in first.
Advertising on Facebook is easy. Advertising on Facebook and getting meaningful results is not. Which is why, like your clients, you understand the value of engaging an expert.
Well, guess what! We’re experts! Hi! <waves>
If you’d like to hear about how we can give you the above advantages (and more) using cutting-edge online advertising techniques, then email us. We’d love to talk.
If you’d rather go it alone, then don’t leave empty-handed – if you’ve made it this far, let us give you a going-away gift – our free download ‘Four things to consider before selling Charlotte Real Estate on Facebook’. Enjoy.
Download our Free Report about selling Charlotte Real Estate on Facebook
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CLICK HERE for an example of the effect that Facebook Advertising can have on Real Estate Sales